8 min read

How Bilr came to be

Written by
Gary Markham
Published on
September 28, 2020

Gary is a results and goal-oriented professional bringing a wealth of experience to the table, coordinating the business' efforts and growth.

Founded in 2019, Bilr was started as a revolution. Who would’ve imagined legal billing software as a revolutionary gesture...? Someone who has spent almost two decades in claims management, enterprise legal management and litigation management software. That’s where we started, with LSG.

Our sister company, LSG, was our first venture. The company was founded as a family business in 2004, with an exclusive focus on legal bill review and litigation management software. Legal spend was our target, and we went after it, hard. As accolades, we point to over $1.2 billion dollars in value generated, and average litigation day reductions of over 80% for our clients, big and small. We also launched a law firm in the UK focused on property law, called ProConveyancing.

The enterprise legal management industry has grown, merged and commoditized, to a degree. We believe we can still differentiate with machine learning and predictive analytics, but it’s an industry not going anywhere fast. Plus, when talking to clients, we always had to frame our software as cost reduction, and that ultimately leads to a race to the bottom.

A thought struck that the entire industry exists because of non-compliant legal billing. A conversation we would prefer to have with potential clients relates to growth and increases in revenue, which is exactly what Bilr can do. It’s the streaming service to our DVD mailing, to use the Netflix analogy.

As a machine learning and voice-enabled desktop and mobile legal billing software, Bilr helps lawyers record time conveniently and submit “clean” invoices to their clients, which, on average, increases average billing revenues by 6-11%. It also reduces the need for enterprise legal management software providers for law firms’ clients, so cost containment happens, to a degree, by default.

We have just begun on our journey to help law firms grow, utilizing compliant billing practices, with “upstream technology” that creates a successful outcome for all involved in the legal operations process. We work with law firms large and small, and aim to work as a partner. Just ask for a reference and I’m sure you’ll like what you hear!

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